Monday, December 22, 2008

Growing like a weed

So, Charity asked for a picture to see how big Elijah's getting. Unfortunately he's getting big. He wanted to measure again just the other day, obviously feeling the tightness of the race between us. So, here's the picture. I am standing on some Sandra Boyton books because he had boots on and I didn't want to give him an unfair advantage.

So, in other news, we have been attending concerts, and programs, and concerts, and programs...and pack meetings and ward parties. Luckily I think most of that stuff is done for the year. Now we just have Christmas to survive. A few days ago Cecelia said something about getting tons of presents, so I said to her. "You know, you're not getting tons of presents this year. You're getting some presents, but not tons." She immediately burst into tears.

So much for all those Christmas lessons on the real meaning of Christmas, and giving, and all that. So far it hasn't seemed to sink in.


Beatrice said...

That's okay - I still burst into tears when I tell myself about the presents too.

JandS Morgan said...

Whoa Nellie, that is one tall boy! Your kid's are frozen small in my mind since we hardly ever see you.

morganspice said...

Yep I think Drake would be taller than me if I was your height. He has sprouted like a weed, too, although he is correct that he is pretty short for the kids in his grade, what with being a year younger than some of them.

Unfortunately, I think those hormones associated with the growth are causing really bad acne on the poor kid. We are already on our third med, ready to go back to the doc on Friday to see if there is a bigger gun that is safe to use at his age. He has terrible genes when it comes to that I am afraid.