Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Girls

Blast from the past: This is Cecelia. I can't believe how much Marguerite looks like Cecelia did at about the same age. It seems like every time we look at old pictures, she looks like someone different. (It also reminds me that I need to get out this sweater. I love it, and it should fit Maggie now.)

Francesca loves pistachios. Seems weird for a little girl, but she does. Unfortunately, she can't open them by herself and has to have me do it.

Little Buddha baby Marguerite. I love when they are so cute and chubby. She is really happy and fun right now except for at night when she wakes up every 2 hours or less. Poor kid, it seems to be my children's typical stomach issues.

Steve, Elijah, and Israel went skiiing yesterday since it was Boy Scout day and there were discount tickets. They had a great time, although apparently Elijah just likes to lie in the snow and not get up. Israel loved it. I'm not sure if Eli wants to ever go again, but I hope so....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The boys

This is my blast from the past. Isn't my little bitty Israel a sweetheart? I can't believe he used to be so tiny.

Here's Elijah how we usually see him. Computer in hand. He looks so happy, doesn't he? He has adopted Steve's laptop, I think he thinks it's his now. It's better than a dog. (But not as good as a bunny.)

And Levi....all my boys are Star Trek geeks. I started them watching Star Trek Next Generation when I realized that they had never watched a TV series before. I thought it would be fun for them to have something with a continuing storyline. After they finished with that they wanted to watch Voyager, then Deep Space Nine, and now that they are almost through with that they've starting watching the original series that streams on Netflix...I think that things might have gone too far.

Christmas time has been good so far this year. We got our tree, we put up decorations, we watched the Christmas devotional, and we've been listening to Christmas music. Although one word of warning. We have apparently had 2 different things from Amazon stolen from off our front porch. One just never seemed to show up, and the other we found the empty packaging just lying around.

So watch out. (Luckily Amazon is being very good about replacing the things that we did not receive.)

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!!!!!!!