Saturday, December 27, 2008


Steve and Levi and Cecelia plotting Pine Wood Derby car designs. Cecelia wants one too this year.

It's hard to get pics of Israel because he hide or makes faces. I have recently discovered that I can get pictures of him when he's reading, or in the middle of a Wii contest with someone.
Francesca just might end up being neat and tidy like Grandma Morgan. After she would get a piece of paper off of a present she would walk the paper into the kitchen and throw it in the garbage. It was cute, but took a long time, so we finally moved the garbage next to her in the living room.

All my kiddos. I do like them.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. We did...except for the crying.


IandS said...

Great to see pictures of you all - and Ches is such a sweet little blondie.

JandS Morgan said...

What would Christmas be without a few tears. Has your half baked baby given you a present of less sickness yet?

RBent said...

Yes...less sickness is a good present, and I AM feeling much better.