Friday, November 30, 2007

Turkey Day lessons

So, I learned a few things on Thanksgiving. Very important things about running and racing that I wish to share with you.

1. Registering ahead of time is just asking for trouble. Mother Nature knows you've committed and will do her utmost to make sure that you will never again register in advance. (20 degrees, no joke!)

2. If you think that the 1/2 mile walk to the starting line will warm you are mistaken.

3. They say that there will be water during the race, what they really mean is they will chuck ice cubes in wax paper cups at you.

4. Sister-in-laws will always kick your butt running, but they are nice enough not to do the victory dance in front of you. Granted they probably had enough time to do it about six times before you crossed the finish line.

5. Ellipticalling is exercise, but fails to use certain very important muscles. Running will let you know very quickly which muscles. They are the pick-up-your-leg muscles. Pick-up-your-leg muscles are very important for running. Very.

6. They need a big laundry basket half way through the race where you can throw your hat, gloves, and possibly shirt and pants when you suddenly get so hot you rip off half your clothes. It would be nice if said basket met you at the finish line.

7. You know you're slow when you pass a woman who is running with a stroller only because she stopped to feed her baby a bottle half way through the race.

8. Hills are bad. Baaaaad.

9. It only takes 1 small caramel apple cider to negate any calories burned running a 5k.


IandS said...

The laundry basket idea is genius. You could even end up with a hat and coat that's better than the one you started with:)

JandS Morgan said...

When I started running last year I came to understand what being in shape means. I thought the fact I could walk a 5k without breaking a sweat meant I was in shape....

RBent said...

Oooh, iands, did you see that s morgan is running? I didn't know you were running, s morgan. Maybe she can talk YOU into a 1/2 marathon.

morganspice said...

I promise I will NEVER kick your butt running. And I WON'T be nice about it. I won't even be supportive of it. Running is for being chased. Potentially a fire. So no competition from me there!