Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today is Israel's birthday. He's 12 this year.

So the other day he's talking to Levi:

Israel: It's really gross when you barf, I remember one time, I barfed and there were beans in it.

Levi: Ewww.

Israel: The wierd thing was that I hadn't eaten any beans.

Me: Israel, if you barfed beans then you must have been eating beans.

Israel: But I hadn't...maybe they were the children of my kidneys.

Me: **What??**

...Anyway. Here are some pictures that I took for Grandma Bentley's wall. They aren't that great, but Grandma Morgan wanted to see them, so here they are.


IandS said...

Happy Birthday to Israel!!!! It's nice to know that even though they are growing up, deep down they are still little boys that talk about barf.

Jacob J said...

Dang, your kids are getting old. Love the curly hair.